Writers - Lives at Risk A Healthy Lifestyle makes Better Writers I am often saying that writers and artists in general, are not always the best at looking after themselves. We agonize over our work, our productivity or lack thereof, and we all too often wonder if the work we produce is, well, good enough? I suppose it could be said, that this is all part of a writer's baggage. As much a part of the writer's toolkit as the laptop or the pen, or the paper that is scribbled upon during a writer's day. Now, if you're anything like me, you will know that this writing business is physical stuff. Sitting down, churning out a 100,000 words can be enough to daunt the most dedicated among the membership of your local gym. Sitting is actually quite draining in and of itself. As far as sitting goes we writers are the Olympians; and here's the thing....It hurts our productivity by draining our vitality, and frankly... it is slowly killing us. Recent studies...